Please contact us if you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase as our experts can advise on the best solution for you. We are fortunate to not need to deal with returns often, due to the industry leading standards and the Corapure Quality. However, if you do need to return an item, you can be sure you are safe.

We offer a 60 day money back guarantee on all orders. We guarantee your satisfaction and will:

  • Issue a full refund for unopened products
  • Issue a refund of 50% of the purchase price for returned products that have at least 50% of the product remaining 

All refunds have shipping costs deducted from them.

You are responsible for all shipping and handling charges incurred when shipping any products back to us. To arrange a refund, please contact us at and include your order number and reason for return.

Please allow 7 working days for your return to be processed and an additional 7 to 10 working days for the refund to show in your account.