
Elevate for Mood Balance and Relaxation

Do you find yourself experiencing regular bouts of low moods coupled with excessive stress and physical symptoms of fatigue and anxiety? You are not alone. In the United States, 40 million people live with anxiety disorders and about 10% of the population has experienced a type of mood disorder in the past year. Thankfully, you do not have to live with the burden of feeling low in spirit and energy. While if you have a clinical mood disorder (such as severe depressive disorder) it is important you talk to your healthcare provider, there are natural alternatives that can help lift your mood and increase your energy without the unwanted side effects that a pharmaceutical drug may cause. Finding a healthy outlet like yoga and daily exercise combined with a healthy and nutritious diet may help you feel more energized and improve your mood. But, at times, these lifestyle changes may not be enough to improve your state of mind. Nootropic supplements contain active chemical constituents that help to enhance cognitive functions, including improving mood, in those who take them. Elevate is a powerful nootropic supplement that contains a powerful blend of herbs and b-vitamins derived compounds shown to help relax your mind and body while supporting a positive mood.  Elevate supports your body’s response to stress, balances energy, promotes relaxation and supports your mood.

Elevate contains these Essential Ingredients:

  • Essential B-Vitamins - Essential nutrients for the nervous system that support brain health and mood, lower stress levels, and help increase energy levels.
  • Calcium (as calcium carbonate) and Magnesium (as magnesium oxide)- may help improve mood and build resilience to stress. These minerals are nootropic agents that protect the brain against neurological damage.
  • Ashwagandha Root - helps to support brain health and improve  symptoms of exhaustion and mental fatigue caused by chronic stress and anxiety.
  • GABA (gamma-Aminobulyric acid)- promotes improved mood, relaxation, and calmsthe nerves while fighting off the ill effects of stress.
  • Chamomile Flower - Promotes relaxation, and sleep. Chamomile alleviates symptoms of anxiety, improves irritability, and lightens mood while reversing symptoms of depression.
  • 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophen) -Boosts serotonin levels throughout the neurological system helping to improve mood and symptoms of depression.
  • Griffonia simplicifolia seed- Improves disturned sleeping patterns, lifts the mood and helps to relieve chronic pain symptoms.
  • St John’s Wort (aerial parts) - contains compounds that help to regulate mood In may protect the brain against the effects of aging.

Mood-lifting supplements like Elevate contain powerful compounds that stimulate the production of neurotransmitters responsible for maintaining balanced mood and promote relaxation. Read on to discover more about Elevate's dynamic actions in the human body that both protect the mind from neurological damage and elevate mood.

Emotions, Mood, and Affect Explained

Emotions, mood, and affect are all intertwined in different relative aspects. Affect typically refers to the wide range of feelings that people experience which include both mood and emotions. An emotion usually refers to intense feelings that is a result of interactions with our environment and other people in our lives. Emotions are deeply felt and come and go more quickly than moods. Moreover, moods can be felt without having an underlying reason or context for their presence. An example of the difference between a mood and an emotion is feeling angry and being in a “bad mood”. A rude person who cuts in front of you in line may cause you to feel angry, but usually the anger subsides rather quickly. Whereas, if you wake up in a bad mood, you probably experience this mood for many hours. Feelings or emotions can be specific and accompanied by other feelings, such as sadness, fear, and anger. Moods are often difficult to pin down the cause and are more general in natural - being positive or negative and cognitive in origin.

Our moods are defined by a feeling tone that endures in such a way that it can affect all aspects of our behavior that is expressed in the outward world. Some people experience times when a pervasive mood (for example, depression) dominates their daily lives and negatively affects their quality of life. There are many symptoms that accompany mild to moderate depression, including:

  • Sadness
  • Feeling guilty
  • Decreased levels of energy
  • Insomnia
  • Decreased ability to concentrate
  • Unable to enjoy life
  • Decreased appetite

Having periods of negativity and depression is normal for most people. We all experience times of sadness, stress, and anxiety from the difficult periods of our lives. However, if you find that you are more negative than usual or having a difficult time with low energy or depressive symptoms, you may find relief in taking a nootropic mood-lifting supplement like Elevate.

Elevate’s Powerful 8: Lifting Mood with Synergistic Natural Compounds

You may have tried Corapure’s BrainPower supplement to help support brain health due its nootropic ingredients. Nootropics are natural compounds that are defined by their ability to enhance cognitive performance; working to boost your memory, mental function and mood. While many people take nootropic supplements to help protect their brains from the damage caused by toxins and aging, these natural compounds have been shown in studies to help increase the number of neurotransmitters in the brain that contribute to balancing mood and reversing depression. If you are dealing with mild-to-moderate depression, you may be experiencing low motivation, poor mood, sleeplessness, fatigue, among other symptoms. Nootropic compounds can target different areas of the brain to stimulate the production of the neurotransmitters that work to fight stress, balance moods, and provide boosts of energy or relaxation depending on your body’s needs.

Elevate contains essential ingredients that stimulate neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA, and dopamine, thus improving your brain’s ability to cope with stress while protecting the brain’s neurons and helping to balance mood. The formulators of Elevate’s synergistic formula have optimized the following ingredients to be both mood-lifting and nootropic:

Elevate’s Essential Ingredients

 Essential B-Vitamins (Thiamin (as Thiamine HCI), Riboflavin, Niacin (as niacinamide), Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCI), Folate, Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin)

B-vitamins are essential nutrients for the nervous system that also support brain health and mood. If you are deficient in some or all B-vitamins, you may be at an increased risk for irritability, mood problems, and depression. Studies show that B-vitamins help to enhance your mood, lower stress levels, and help increase energy levels and improve general brain functioning.

Calcium (as calcium carbonate) and Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) Low levels of calcium and magnesium have been associated with higher rates of depression and anxiety disorders, especially in women. Magnesium is also known to be an effective nootropic agent that can protect the brain from neurological damage caused by aging and auto-immune diseases such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis. Supplementing with these essential minerals may help improve mood and your response to stress.  

Ashwagandha Root

Traditionally, ashwagandha root was used in Ayurvedic medicine to promote general health and wellbeing, improve muscle strength, and endurance. Ashwagandha root extract helps support brain health and improves symptoms of exhaustion and mental fatigue caused by chronic stress and anxiety. Studies show that ashwagandha may help to block stress pathways and reduce symptoms related to depression.

GABA (gamma-Aminobulyric acid)

This brain chemical is an essential protein that gives your body the signal to relax by increasing the number of alpha brain waves - brain electrical activity that promotes improved mood, relaxation, and reduced  markers of stress. Studies show supplementing with GABA shortly promotes feelings of relaxation and reduced anxiety symptoms shortly after ingestion.

Chamomile Flower

Chamomile flower tea has been given to colicky babies and insomniacs for thousands of years to help relieve stomach pain, promote relaxation, and sleep. Regular supplementation of chamomile flower extract can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, improve irritability, and lighten mood while reversing symptoms of depression.

 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophen)

5-hydroxytryptophan is used by the brain to boost serotonin levels throughout the neurological system. Serotonin is a chemical messenger that functions to improve mood and symptoms of depression while stimulating  the appetite and promoting healthy sleep patterns.

Griffonia simplicifolia seed

Extracts from the seeds of Griffonia simplifolia contain large amounts of 5-HTP- the chemical known to stimulate the release of serotonin in the brain. Griffonia simplifolia extract may improve sleep patterns, lift the mood and help to relieve chronic pain symptoms.

St John’s Wort (aerial parts)

St John’s wort flowers have been used for millennia to treat symptoms of depression and improve the bodies resilience against the effects of chronic stress. St John's wort contains compounds that help to regulate mood and may protect the brain against the effects of aging.

Each ingredient in Elevate is especially formulated to protect your brain from the effects of stress while balancing the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain that promote balanced mood and regulate energy. Nootropic compounds can play a pivotal role in bringing balance to your brain, relieving the debilitating symptoms of depressive mood disorders, and establishing healthy sleep patterns. Elevate contains eight nootropic ingredients that can enhance your mental health by boosting beneficial neurotransmitters such as serotonin and GABA and improve overall well-being by balancing the body’s response to stress. If you are struggling with low energy, trouble focusing, sleeplessness, and poor mood, you may find relief in regular supplementation with Elevate.


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