
Holy Basil Leaf: The Great Adaptogen

By Allssa B Daschbach MA BS BA MH

In this article, you will learn about the amazing benefits of holy basil leaf and its ability to protect to body and brain from toxic damage while acting as the ideal adaptogen - providing energy when the body needs the boost and a calm when the body needs to rest.

Holy Basil leaf may be the most beloved medicinal plant in India where it holds a place of sacred honor in India's oldest medical tradition, Ayurveda. For millennia, holy basil leaf has been used to treat a multitude of diseases and as an adaptogen to bring resilience against the adverse effects of stress. Holy basil leaf enhances cognition, protects the brain from neurodegenerative damage, and relieves stress. Holy Basil Leaf has been shown in research to help the human body adapt to physical, chemical, and psychological stress while protect the organs and body tissues from toxic stress and inflammation.

Holy Basil Leaf: Background and Benefits Explained

Holy Basil leaf (Ocimum sanctum) is an aromatic plant native to the tropics and south-east Asia. In India, Holy Basil is known in Sanskrit as Tulsi (meaning “the incomparable one” or “matchless one”). Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, uses holy basil or tulsi extensively in the treatment of a number of disorders. In fact, Hindu people consider holy basil leaf to be sacred and the pretty purple flowering basil plant is often planted near Hindu shrines. Outside of ayurvedic medicine, holy basil is valued as an adaptogen - a natural substance that helps the body adapt to the physiological impact of stress, helping to relax or provide energy dependent on the body’s needs. Regular supplementation with holy basil leaf extract can help bring balance to your body and help combat the bill defects of stress. The therapeutic ability of holy basil to bring balance to the human body’s organ systems and brain is the primary reason that Vitality includes this important adaptogen into its formula.

Benefits of Holy Basil include:

  • Build resistance to the effects of stress
  • Normalize blood sugar levels
  • Strengthens body’s ability to fight the effects of aging
  • Relieves symptoms of arthritis
  • Helps to prevent fever
  • Improves symptoms of diarhhea
  • Helps reverse inflammation
  • Protects organ systems and organs, such as the heart, liver, and brain
  • Protects body against toxifying oxidants

Holy Basil: Overcoming the Physical and Psychological Effects of Stress

Stress is a natural part of life and our bodies are designed to manage stress through complex neurological response systems that release hormones to mitigate the threat our bodies are under, whether it be physical or psychological. Unfortunately, stress causes the production of free radicals, unstable atoms that can damage the body’s cells. Adaptogenic herbs like holy basil increase the body’s resistance to stress which ultimately stops the production of these damaging free radicals. Holy basil leaf extract rejuvenates the body by reducing mental and physical stress and relaxes the body and mind.

Research scientists continue to conduct studies to uncover the reasons that holy basil works to protect the body against the damage caused by toxins and stress. In fact, during the last decade, more than 100 studies have been conducted on the powerful pharmacological actions of the plant, including its ability to regulate the effects of stress and strengthen the immune system.

Holy basil is an extremely potent adaptogen that contains a number of pharmacological actions within the human body, helping to promote resilience to environmental, psychological, emotional, and physical stress. Holy basil has a unique ability to  protect the body from damage caused by toxins, including free radicals. Lastly, holy basil leaf may protect the body from infection and the effects of mental stress by helping to strengthen the immune system and calm the mind.

Cautions and Contraindications

As with all supplements, check with your physician before taking Holy Basil or supplements that contain Holy Basil. It is important to make sure that it is safe for you to use and does not interact with or contraindicate any medications or medical treatments you are currently prescribed.

Holy basil leaf is a mild herb with relatively few side effects that have been reported, nausea and diarrhea.

Avoid using holy basil leaves when pregnant or breastfeeding. There are preliminary animal studies that suggest that takin holy basil leaf supplement may impair fertility and cause uterine contractions. The safety of holy basil leaf during breastfeeding has not been researched in depth, so it is best to avoid.

The contraindications of holy basil leaf include:

  • Anti-coagulants (e.g., warfarin or Coumadin, aspirin, Plavix, or Heparin)
  • Medications that cause drowsiness, like pentobarbital (holy basil leaf may increase relaxation)
  • Medications for diabetes (holy basil may lower blood sugar levels)


Kulkarni, K. V., & Adavirao, B. V. (2018). A review on: Indian traditional shrub Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum): the unique medicinal plant. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, 6(2), 106-110. Retrieved from PlantsJournal: https://www.plantsjournal.com/archives/2018/vol6issue2/PartB/6-2-12-979.pdf

Jamshidi, N., & Cohen, M. M. (2017). The clinical efficacy and safety of Tulsi in humans: a systematic review of the literature. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017. Retrieved from PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28400848/

Sampath, S. (2015). Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum Linn.) leaf extract enhances specific cognitive parameters in healthy adult volunteers: A placebo controlled study. Indian Journal of  Physiology and Pharmacology, 59(1), 69-77. Retrieved from PSU: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Cohen, M. M. (2014). Tulsi-Ocimum sanctum: A herb for all reasons. Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine, 5(4), 251. Retrieved from PubMed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4296439/