
Maca Root: Energy, Vitality, and Nootropic Brain Booster

By Alissa B Daschbach MA BS BA MH

If you are interested in the powerful nootropic and adaptogenic properties of Maca root, read on to discover how Vitality’s ingredient Maca root extract can help increase energy, vitality, improve mood while decreasing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Maca root extract increases energy, vitality, and prevents adrenal fatigue while helping to manage anxiety. Maca root has been used traditionally to treat a variety of ailments, including anemia, respiratory disorders, and female hormone imbalance. This fruit has neuroprotective qualities that may enhance the longevity of neurological cells.

Maca: Peruvian Ginseng

Maca, or Lepidium meyenii, is a medicinal plant in the cabbage family that is native to Peru. This highly valued plant grows in harsh mountainous climates above 4000 feet where it is extremely cold, windy, and intensely sunny. The people of Peru have cultivated the maca plant for at least two millennia as food and medicine. Peruvians have used the extract traditionally to treat various illnesses and conditions, including respiratory illness, fertility issues and to increase vigor and energy. People who live in the Peruvian Andes have been known to give maca to their school-age children and it helps their learning and memory.

 Benefits of maca root may include:

  • Neuroprotective effects
  • Memory enhancement
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Sexual dysfunction regulation
  • Antioxidant
  • Skin protection

Maca has become increasingly more popular in the past few decades due to its reputation as a natural source of energy and its influences in improving sexual health (for example, infertility and low sex drive). In fact, numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate the medicinal qualities of Maca, especially the fruit of this plant. Scientific lab results have shown that Maca extract improves symptoms related to menopause, relieves depression, improves sexual libido, and enhances learning and memory.

Valuable Benefits of Maca Root Explained

Neuroprotective - Studies have shown that taking maca root extract improves cognitive function in stroke patients, as well as in animal and human clinical trials. The nootropic activity may be due to the plant’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.

Improves learning and cognitive functioning- Maca root extract may improve spatial learning and deficits in memory. This valuable nootropic also contains choline, a protein known to improve neurocognitive functioning.

Boosts energy - Athletes who take maca root supplements have been shown in studies to physically improve performance. Other beneficial effects include increased levels of energy and resistance to fatigue.

Lifts mood - Maca root extract contains GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) -  a neurotransmitter that serves to regulate mood and reduce anxiety. Maca also contains compounds that work to fight off symptoms of depression and regulate mood swings.

Antioxidant and antiinflammatory activities - Maca root is rich in antioxidants, compounds that work to slow down the production of free radicals in the body - reactive atoms that damage human cells and may cause chronic disease. Maca also reduces inflammation caused by stress responses.

Cautions and Contraindications

As with any dietary or vitamin supplement, be sure to consult with your primary healthcare provider to make sure you can take the supplement safely and with no interactions with current medications.

Maca root is a safe supplement that can be taken in reasonably large amounts for short periods of time.

Consult with your physician if you want to take Maca root as a supplement if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you have a hormone-sensitive condition, avoid maca as it may mimic estrogen. These may include:

  • Breast cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids

If you have a thyroid condition, check with your physician before taking maca. The supplement may contain iodine, which can aggravate a development of goiter.


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