
Potent Medicinal and Nutritious Capacities of Amla Fruit

By Alissa B Daschbach MA BS BA MH

In this article, you will discover the powerful capabilities of Amla fruit and the reason why the formulators of Vitality include this nutritious and medicinal fruit in its adaptogenic formula- working to help improve the health of your body’s systems, including cardiovascular and neurological.

 Amla fruit is a nutritious and medicinal fruit that is incredibly rich in antioxidants and acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory within the human body. These actions can help improve your health and strengthen the body’s cardiovascular and neurological systems. Amla fruit builds up the immune system, improves brain health and the health of the cardiovascular system. Read on to discover in-depth details about this tart but amazingly nutritious fruit.

Amla Fruit: Background and Benefits

Amla, Emblica officinalis, is one of the most valued plants in India’s ancient medical system known as Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic medicine, the amla plant, especially the fruit of the amla tree, is considered to be a powerful adaptogen with the ability to improve immunity, combat the effects of aging, and to promote life longevity. Traditional uses of amla fruit include:

  • Treat constipation
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce fever
  • Treat respiratory illnesses
  • Improve cough
  • Alleviate symptoms of asthma

 Amla fruits or berries are well-known worldwide for their health benefits. Amla berries are rich in antioxidants and are an excellent source of essential vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, and iron. The extract of Amla fruit is recommended to help improve cardiovascular health, provide low-calorie nutrition to those with diabetes, and improve general health and wellbeing. Further, studies support the use of Amla fruit extract in helping control high cholesterol levels and triglycerides in people with metabolic syndrome. Because amla berries are rich in nutrients, high in fiber and low in sugar, they are a great choice to include in your meals or just as a nutritious snack.

Amla Fruit: Potent Antioxidant, Cognitive Enhancer, and Mood Booster

Amla fruit is highly nutritious. This bitter fruit is well-known for its antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, the fruit of the Amla shrub is incredibly nutritious and may have one of the highest antioxidant content of all the plant species. Remember that antioxidants help protect your body’s cells from the potentially damaging molecules known as free radicals. When levels of free radicals rise, your body begins to undergo a condition known as oxidative stress that can lead to inflammation and the development of chronic conditions.

Studies have shown that Amla fruit extract inhibits the formation of free radicals, thus helping your body dispose of toxins and protecting you from inflammation and chronic diseases. The antioxidant properties inherent in Amla fruit extract may help improve cardiovascular health and boost your immune system. Amla fruit extract has particularly high levels of polyphenols - chemical compounds known for their antioxidant actions as well as ability to reduce inflammation and improve immune system response.

Traditionally, amla berry extract was used to help counteract the process of aging, including fighting wrinkles and protecting the brain against the degenerative effects of aging. There are several  constituents in amla fruit that can help explain why the berry was used to treat brain-related disorders, especially those related to aging. The high amount of antioxidants fight against the free radicals that can damage the brain’s neurons. Furthermore, amla fruit has anti inflammatory, neuroprotective, and adaptogenic qualities - all benefits shown to help reduce the risk of developing Alzhiemer’s disease. A recent study has shown that  the nootropic (brain-supportive) capacity of amla berry may help to mitigate the declining symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Other studies have shown that the extract of E. officinalis (amla fruit) helps to enhance memory and reduce formation of the amyloid plaques that may cause the neurological deficits and declining symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Amla fruit is a highly nutritious adaptogen that has been used in traditional medicine to promote memory and intelligence enhancement and protect the body against the effects of stress. Vitality includes this ingredient in its formula to add an antioxidant-rich supplement that can help protect you against the ill effects of stress and aging. 

Cautions and Contraindications

Check with your physician before taking Amla fruit to make sure that it is safe for you to use and does not interact with or contraindicate any medications or medical treatments you are currently prescribed.

Amla berries are considered safe to eat and to take as a supplement. There currently are no contraindications with medications that are recorded. However, they are very astringent, and when eaten alone can dry your mouth out.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, check with your physician to make sure it is safe to use.

Because amla fruit is highly astringent, be advised that if you have a history of stomach or intestinal ulcers you should not consume the fruit. Other contraindications include if you have a history of the following:

  • Gastritis
  • Constipation
  • Hypotension
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Increased blood clotting


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