
Improving Energy and Stress Resilience with Rhodiola Rosea Root

By Alissa B Daschbach MA BS BA MH

In this article, you will learn in-depth details about the adaptogenic effects of Rhodiola Rosea root and how taking a supplement that contains Rhodiola may improve energy, alertness, and mood while acting to boost concentration and cognition.  The Vitality supplement includes this important ingredient to enhance its formulation for supporting body balance.

Rhodiola rosea root extract is used in traditional medicine to help alleviate the symptoms that arise from stress, depression, and anxiety. Current pharmacological research has studied the potential of Rhodiola rosea root to increase the levels of neurotransmitters that regulate cognition and executive function thus improving mental function and reducing mental fatigue. Studies have also shown that patients with stress related-fatigue or burnout showed an increased ability to concentrate while feeling less fatigued. Furthermore, the participants in these studies reported a significant reduction in anxiety and stress symptoms.

Rhodiola Rosea: Background and Benefits

Rhodiola rosea is a plant native to the coldest mountainous regions of Europe, Russia, and Asia. From these regions, Rhodiola root extract has a long and meaningful history of medicinal use where it was taken to increase strength and endurance, improve work performance, and combat the effects of high altitude, including weakness and fatigue. This botanical adaptogen known as “golden root''  or “Arctic root” has recently been shown in research studies to have neuroprotective effects and helps the human body resist fatigue, stress, and depression. Other benefits of Rhodiola rosea may include:

  • Boosts energy
  • Increases stamina and strength
  • Improves mental capacity
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Builds body resistance to the effects of stress
  • Helps manage anxiety and depression

Several hundred active ingredients in Rhodiola rosea root account for its activity within the human body. As an adaptogen, Rhodiola increases the body’s ability to resist stress and help people cope with the symptoms of stress and improve resilience. The extract also may help relieve the fatigue caused by excessive activity and stress, including both physical and mental tiredness. In fact, people with chronic fatigue syndrome have been shown in studies to have an significant improvement in their symptoms, including less fatigue, enhanced mood, a better quality of life, and improved concentration.

Rhodiola and Burnout: Building Tolerance and Resilience From Stress

Burnout syndrome is a common occurrence for many people due to the pressure that work and family life that we endure on a daily basis. Chronic stress stemming from burnout can lead to emotional exhaustion, a loss of motivation, and decreased ability to function at home and at work. There are several symptoms that accompany burnout: 

  • General negative attitude
  • Cynicism
  • Fatigue
  • Impaired sexual life
  • Lack of concentration
  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach and/or gastrointestinal issues
  • Cardiovascular problems (for example, high blood pressure) 

If you have any of these symptoms, you may be experiencing burnout. If so, know that there are options available that can help relieve these symptoms and bring you to a happier place in life. While you may consider treating the symptoms of burnout with medications, consider resolving the source of the symptoms - low stress resilience. 

One of the most common symptoms of burnout is depression, which sometimes occurs when neurotransmitters in your brain that regulate energy and mood become imbalanced. Rhodiola rosea root extract may contain compounds that improve symptoms of depression and help to regulate the neurotransmitters. Exhaustion caused by stress can also cause depressive symptoms, such as lack of vigor and joy (“zest for life”). Thankfully, if you are experiencing these symptoms, you may find relief and an alleviation in symptoms with regular supplementation with Rhodiola rosea root extract.

Cautions and Contraindications

Check with your physician before taking Rhodiola rosea root extract or supplements that contain Rhodiola rosea to make sure that it is safe for you to use and does not interact with or contraindicate any medications or medical treatments you are currently prescribed

People have reported mild side effects when taking Rhodiola rosea. These include dizziness, excessive saliva, and nausea.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using Rhodiola rosea root extract or consult with their physician before use. Also, if you have an autoimmune disorder (such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus) avoid using Rhodiola as it may stimulate the immune system.

The following medications may interact with Rhodiola rosea:

  • Diabetes medications (Rhodiola may lower glucose levels)
  • Hypertensive medications (Rhodiola may lower blood pressure)
  • Immunosuppressant drugs (Rhodiala may increase immune system activity)
  • Losartan
  • Medications metabolized by the liver (i.e., Cytochrome P450)


Cropley, M., Banks, A. P., & Boyle, J. (2015). The effects of Rhodiola rosea L. extract on anxiety, stress, cognition and other mood symptoms. Phytotherapy Research, 29(12), 1934-1939. Retrieved from PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26502953/

Kasper, S., & Dienel, A. (2017). Multicenter, open-label, exploratory clinical trial with Rhodiola rosea extract in patients suffering from burnout symptoms. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 13, 889. Retrieved from PubMed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5370380/

Kelly, G. S. (2001). Rhodiola rosea: a possible plant adaptogen. Alternative Medicine Review, 6(3), 293-302. Retrieved from Pubmed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11410073/

Lekomtseva, Y., Zhukova, I., & Wacker, A. (2017). Rhodiola rosea in subjects with prolonged or chronic fatigue symptoms: results of an open-label clinical trial. Complementary Medicine Research, 24(1), 46-52. Retrieved from PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29325481/

Ma, G. P., Zheng, Q., Xu, M. B., Zhou, X. L., Lu, L., Li, Z. X., & Zheng, G. Q. (2018). Rhodiola rosea L. improves learning and memory function: preclinical evidence and possible mechanisms. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 1415. Retrieved from PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30564123/